Tag Archives: ETJ

“Please Release Me, Let Me Go!”
Previously, our office blogged about what an ETJ is. To recap, the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) is the legal authority that a city holds to regulate and make decisions in areas that are outside of its formal city limits, but still within a designated surrounding boundary. The ETJ allows a city to plan for future… Read More »

How an Unincorporated Community Can Become a City in Texas
Texas has more than 1,200 incorporated cities – or municipalities. Such municipalities range in size from Houston (with more than 2.3 million residents) to over 400 towns with populations of fewer than 1,000. However, Texas also has more than double that number of unincorporated communities. So, what is the difference between an unincorporated community and an… Read More »

ETJ: Extraterritorial Jurisdiction
All cities have city limit lines; you have seen road signs when you leave one city and enter another on the highway. The notion of city limits is one most are familiar with. Given the well-understood concept of city limits –what the heck is a City’s ETJ? Webster’s Dictionary defines the word extraterritorial as… Read More »