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Author Archives: Drew Shirley

How Are Gaming Rooms Regulated in Texas?

By Drew Shirley |

Gambling is generally prohibited in Texas but there are many exceptions to the general rule. Game rooms are generally authorized so long as they do not have illegal gambling devices. Specifically, so-called “eight-liner” machines are illegal gambling devices, unless the prizes awarded are non-cash items that are worth no more than 10 times the… Read More »

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Steps for Buying an Existing Business

By Drew Shirley |

For many people, the word “entrepreneur” conjures up an image of an enterprising person who wants to strike out on his own, starting a new company to “build a better mousetrap,” hoping that the world will beat a path to his door. In some cases, however, it may be wiser and more profitable to… Read More »

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Resign to Run? If a City Official in Texas Runs for Another Office, Is Resignation Required?

By Drew Shirley |

It seems a day does not pass without speculation or news about elected officials announcing retirement and/or facing challenges for office, on the national level and here in Texas. What happens if a city official announces his or her intent to seek another office? Must they step down from their current position? Generally speaking,… Read More »

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Setting Up a Municipal Zoning Review Board in Texas

By Drew Shirley |

In the state of Texas, municipal zoning authority is governed by Chapter 211 of the Texas Local Government Code. Section 211.003 specifically authorizes cities to regulate “the location and use of buildings, other structures, and land for business, industrial, residential, or other purposes.” Section 211.008 authorizes, but does not require, cities to appoint a… Read More »

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Municipal Regulation of Group Homes in Texas

By Drew Shirley |

What is the current state of the law on municipal regulation of group homes in Texas? More specifically, which ordinances regulating group homes in a residential area have been upheld as enforceable? And, perhaps as important a question: which ones have not been upheld or called into question? The short answer is: If the… Read More »

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Anatomy of a Multifamily Real Estate Syndication

By Drew Shirley |

Two articles ago, I explained why “the best investment on Earth is earth.” Last month, I showed you why apartment complexes are the best of all real estate investments. But if you want to buy a midsize apartment building, unless you’ve got $10 million or so in cash sitting in your bank — in… Read More »

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Why Multifamily Real Estate is an Evergreen Investment

By Drew Shirley |

In my last article, I showed you why real estate is the best investment out there – why “the best investment on Earth is earth.” And of all possible real estate investments – single-family, retail, office, industrial, you name it – apartments are the best of the bunch. If you buy a $4 million apartment complex… Read More »

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Why is Real Estate Investing So Ideal?

By Drew Shirley |

“The best investment on Earth is earth.” – Louis Glickman Chris Rock once famously explained the difference between rich and wealthy: Shaquille O’Neal is rich, Rock said. The man who signs his checks is wealthy. And if you want to get wealthy in America – to acquire life-changing, generations-lasting wealth – the surest and… Read More »

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Incentives for Real Estate Development: 3 Key Steps for Texas Tax Abatement

By Drew Shirley |

Tax abatement agreements are popular with cities and developers in Texas, and with good reason. Utilizing Chapter 312 of the Texas Tax Code, which allows taxing entities (other than school districts) to limit the property taxes they collect, tax abatements are an excellent way for cities to attract real estate developments that will improve… Read More »

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No Solicitors? How Texas Allows Cities to Regulate Door-to-Door Visitors

By Drew Shirley |

When it comes to doorbell ringers, a parade of possibilities emerges: fundraisers, salesmen and religious organizations. Businesses seeking to sell home services, such as security or repairs, are typically among the peddlers. Can a city in Texas outright ban door-to-door solicitors? The Texas Local Government Code generally gives municipalities the power to act in a way that… Read More »

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